
“Revitalise Your Mind. Re-Energise Your Body. Recreate Your Life.”

TM. Fit From The Core



“To change your body, you first must change your mind”

Fit From The Core promotes, aids, and guides overall mind and body wellness for a healthier and happier way of life.

Throughout the program we will identify your knowledge and beliefs about nutrition, fitness, health and internal well-being. We will provide you with the mechanisms and tools to reach and maintain your overall goals and fitness in the long term.  As part of the program, we include sessions with current knowledgeable speakers in the areas of health, fitness, nutrition and psychology that will have you thinking more proactively and sustainably towards a new you.

A focussed mind creates a focussed body – it all starts in your head. Our thoughts create action –  chaotic thoughts create careless action; positive and happy thoughts create “wellness” actions. We aim to work together with you to match your thoughts with your behaviour and set your sights towards wellness.

Neuroscientific Theory: The Effects of Exercise on the Brain

Exercise has been touted to do everything from treat depression to improve memory, with the power to cure a host of problems while preventing even more. In particular, exercise leads to the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that alleviate pain, both physical and mental. Additionally, it is one of the few ways scientists have found to generate new neurons. Much of the research done in this area has focused on running, but all types of aerobic exercise provide benefits. Although the exact nature of these benefits is still being determined, enough research has been done to provide even skeptics with a motivation to take up exercise. Exercise exerts its effects on the brain through several mechanisms, including neurogenesis, mood enhancement, and endorphin release… which improves cognitive functioning and elevates mood states.

Exercise is generally non-habit forming in nature, despite effects on the reward centres of the brain that mimic those of highly addictive drugs like morphine. Exercise differs from other addictions in that there is an initial amount of pain to endure before the euphoric payoff. The approximate 30-minute delay in the release of endorphins requires a certain level of fortitude that has not been cultivated by the culture of video games, 30-second commercials, and various time-saving devices. In addition, exercising is made up of several tasks— putting on correct clothing, deciding on a form of exercise, maintaining adequate hydration, etc. Though each task may be mundane enough to form a habit, putting all the tasks together requires too much attention for exercise to be experienced entirely as a habit, which associates the reward or pleasure of completing a particular task with the first step of that task. In addition, the subconscious brain may use the feeling of fatigue as a regulated, anticipatory response to exercise in order to preserve homeostasis, possibly discouraging the continuance of exercise before the addictive euphoria is attained.

Fortunately, it may be possible to exercise to happiness. It has been shown that physically active people recover from mild depression more quickly, and physical activity is strongly correlated with good mental health as people age. Depression is related to low levels of certain neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine. Exercise increases concentrations of these neurotransmitters by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system.

– Written by MK McGovern


“Don’t go through life, grow through life” – Eric Butterworth

Feeling flat, lethargic, tired, or lacking energy? Unhappy with who and what you see in the mirror?

Our bodies are our sanctuary and carry us through our daily life, so it is important to have some basic fitness, core strength, and overall body wellness.

We all experience low motivation when it comes to exercising at some stage or another. Our programs will re-energise you to focus on taking the small but necessary steps to reduce body fatigue, increase perceptions of self-worth, and to elevate your energy levels. Our training programs are designed to take you from beginner, to intermediate, to advanced fitness levels at your own pace (or to whichever level you feel most comfortable at).

You could try and train for endless hours in the gym every week, and absolutely work your butt off, but if you’re not training smart, then you’ll never get the results you desire. You need to spend quality training time, not just quantity. Three to six quality training sessions a week, training the right way, will give you improved health and wellness, and is far more efficient and effective than training seven days a week, several hours a day. You need to train the right muscle groups at the right time, have enough rest between sessions to allow your fatigued muscles to heal, grow and strengthen, be eating correctly for your body type and goals, and have the correct support and encouragement to see you fulfil your dream goals.   Our methods are proven, safe, and effective.


“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself” – George Bernard Shaw

We all lead really busy lives and sometimes don’t spend enough time thinking about our health as much as we should.  We will give you the tools to make thinking about your health and exercise part of your normal everyday living.  As you learn more about exercise, fitness and nutrition, we will give you the tools to incorporate these learnings into your lifestyle.  If you want to make a positive change by sustaining a healthier and happier you, you need to make the change quantifiable and maintainable, and throughout this program we aim to give you these tools and skills.

At Fit From The Core, we focus all of our activities holistically to bring together your mind, body and life, and believe that with small, achievable steps, we can: “Revitalise your mind, re-energise your body, and recreate your life.”

melanie-gilbert-about-me-photo-stripABN: 48 287 513 698